Megan Jackson

Award-winning author, Change Innovator, and Acclaimed Speaker

Megan Jackson has worked for some of the world’s most influential Fortune 500 companies, where she has been at the heart of driving change and transforming company culture. She is an award-winning author and speaker who taps into the potent interplay between our thoughts and words to foster meaningful behavioral shifts.

Well-regarded for her insights into adjusting our mindset and dialogue to achieve personal and organizational success, Megan’s contributions have been spotlighted by NBC, Good Morning Texas, and Medium. Her collaborations span high-profile brands like Neiman Marcus and Walmart, and she was named one of the Top 10 Entrepreneurs by Emmy Award-winning actress Tabitha Brown, notably for her children’s book, “Words Are Magic.”

Megan's Award-Winning Book, "Words Are Magic"

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RIPE Publishing House, co-founded by Megan Jackson, leads the way in positive publishing, practical printing, and purposeful programs. With a focus on bringing new ideas to life, RIPE is changing the narrative on how stories are told and shared. 

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